44 is a ripe old age for a crocodile hunter. -Norm
44 is a ripe old age for a crocodile hunter. -Norm
Jack of All Trades are useful and needed. Cross discipline interaction is where innovations and fun new ideas happen.
Herman Miller AO2. Love putting that shit up it’s so easy.
I’m hiding under the floor like Saddam, but I’m, doing it because I love it and I’m underground baby, real underground baby.
My weekly usually has one or two I like. Yesterday I was suggested Crack Rock by The Dogs and it’s my new winter jam for sure.
Amanitas just gave me jimmy legs. Did not like, I’ll stick to B+.
Civil War in the theater, at home, I just recently watched They Live, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Wizards, and X at home. I have a biweekly movie night group and we were the only ones in the theater for Beau is Afraid.
My sisters say hey sis to eachother. I’ll ask em if it’s making fun of this or if it’s real next time I see them.
It’s a great advertisement for communism that’s for sure. They haven’t even gotten real power and it already resembles the worst of what communism offers. They’re a bunch of wannabe Ceausescu’s.
My dog died between Christmas and New Year’s 2020, the two years before I got another were the darkest I’ve had in my life. I need a pet.
I turn that shit off. It’s so obnoxious that I don’t even care to look for the kids.
Most millennials care. I’m just over us. Humans deserve the slap down coming.
Never did like Jack Black.
Yep, that’s where I’m at.
Meeting the kids are why I don’t care about global warming anymore.
Who said I didn’t like it? I just think it’s silly to draw attention to yourself then not want that attention.
God we were assholes back then. Everything was so fucking mean and xtreme.