Nobody was harmed in the cropping of this meme.
Nobody was harmed in the cropping of this meme.
I assumed Qwant had a small, primarily french index which was mixed with bing results. Their article mentions the new index will be based on existing qwant technologies. Do you have a link to where they admit to not having any index at all?
I really don’t feel like it’s being used like that here though.
Onlyoffice runs in a browser:
A Venn diagram with the caption “Nothing to see here, folks, just a very normal venn diagram”.
I think they are complaining about the caption in the image.
From my experience, they’ll be stuck in there until you help them out.
Yes they share many similarities with the FSF, but they are separate, and have some different viewpoints on things. You can’t use something they do as an argument as to why FSF is good, when the actual FSF doesn’t do that thing. They also dislike RMS, who is also one of 's arguments against the FSF.
FSFE is not the same as FSF. It’s a completely independent organisation.
love how they printed it out in dark mode.
I think having 0% as the 4th choice would have actually made it more interesting.
I used waydroid for whatsapp, though any android emulator will probably work. To create the account, there was an option to verify a phone number by sending a text message (to a dumb phone with a burner sim card in my case). I use whatsapp web to read and send messages, and only have to open waydroid every few months to sign-in again.
My school (when I was very young) had a fancy-dress day. I remember multiple people cross-dressing there.
I’m not sure I agree on the trust thing. I prefer to trust a single source of curated apps, rather than many individual developers. I like to imagine that f-droid would remove a malicious update before it gets to my phone.
I usually chop other stuff as well as the cheese. I started doing this when I didn’t have a grater, and discovered it wasn’t as slow/awkward as I had assumed. The result isn’t the same as grating, but it does the job most of the time.
I just chop the cheese into small bits. One less thing to wash, and pretty much just as fast.
I assumed “spelt” was wrong, but an internet search tells me both are correct.
It’s just that the user is in control of page styling.