A dish wash sponge, soaked in ascorbic acid.
It does no damage, is hard to find, easy to clean up when found… But best of all… It smells 100x worse than the fish in the rods.
A dish wash sponge, soaked in ascorbic acid.
It does no damage, is hard to find, easy to clean up when found… But best of all… It smells 100x worse than the fish in the rods.
For those pixel (may be all android ?) users wanting a super easy way…
Make the meme, but before clicking generate, swipe to screenshot. You will get the android “do you want just the image” box which keys you copy/save without the watermark
We also go with “Mr potato head”
He legit lost his shit when someone else called him Voldemort
Or training videos that pause if the window playing the video is not the last thing clicked on.