There’s a sleep disorder, diurnal, common for people with adhd. Their brains don’t wake up, start functioning til 6pm, wide awake all night.
I’m so careful, courteous at night, super quiet, walking softly… then 6am, morning people wake, stomping, slamming, music blasting. So not fair.
Yesterday I blocked politics, worldnews, and similar. Feed was becoming nasty, depressing, everyone arguing, complaining, criticizing, trolls, strawmen. Literally people saying it all sucks, nothing matters, everybody’s a liar, there is no point, why bother…
Since blocking, way better experience on lemmy.
THANK you. There’s been so much negative trolling on lemmy, really getting me down. Seeing your post actually reminded me I need to re-register.
Me: I understand but don’t get why…
Therapist: And. You understand AND don’t get why…
KFC in Brooklyn. Empty restaurant, staff noisy, raucous in back. Ordered chicken, looked kinda pink, tasted weird, but ignored instincts, kept eating, cuz hungry.
Next week I spent in apt puking guts up, sweats, feverish, feeling like death, huddled in a ball, head pressed against wall.
Ritalin. Coke or pepsi.
Been on Ritalin for a decade. Helps a lot. Used to be WAY disorganized.