Never had a problem with it on Gentoo, Arch, Void or Tails.
My favorite laptop ever is the x200 in large part because it has a trackpoint and no trackpad.
RMS has officially lost his shit.
Double thumbs up for the point made and link to libre epub.
Where is a macbook air $300? Off the back of a truck?
That all sounds very idealistic, dare I say naive.
People do not typically assess their own happiness by looking at those less fortunate than themselves. They may feel a sense of relief that their situation isn’t as severe but that is not happiness.
Human beings fall ill and pass on, every day. Those are guaranteed outcomes. So yes, while we may all have unique challenges there are some core facets to the human experience that none of us can escape. People who suggest that happiness is anything but fleeting and impermanent are deluding themselves.
The human experience itself is fragile and unpredictable. How then can human happiness not be?
When is happiness stable or permanent? Under what circumstances does that even happen?
“one of the causes of aversion to happiness may be the belief that happiness is unstable and fragile”
It isn’t?
A lot more than just American xtians. There are countries where people cannot get safe, legal abortions because of the stranglehold that xtians have on the political class. Likewise access to contraceptives and even basic reproductive education within the school system. The Roman Catholic Church has been far more destructive than American xtians.
Me when I was walking the dogs last Sunday. Just about made it home in time.
Coffee? Tea? Illicit drugs.
(They do all the above).
You’ve never had Cajun cuisine. Or good Tex-Mex. Or soul food. All brilliant when made by the right chef.
American Pizza > Italian Pizza.
It hasn’t gone away because countless students from across the globe have moved there and found it to be true. While there is good food available in the UK it seems as if the average Brit is content to eat very badly and then supplement a terrible diet with copious amounts of alcohol.
Is this where we pretend that Brits don’t consume obscene amounts of sugar and butter?
Raises eyebrows at article viewed via Firefox
You have it wrong OP, Tinder has become official in its online pimp status. Those who have been using Tinder to sell sex are the ones most likely to be charged.
Par for the course.