My mum once ordered a kettle online, but it came with a US plug (I’m an Aussie) so we took it with us to leave at an apartment when we went on holiday to Hawaii.
The guy at customs had absolutely no clue what we were talking about and was convinced a “kettle” was a bag of mixed nuts.
I want an electric kettle now 😩
How anyone makes tea without a kettle with temp settings, I have no idea.
Microwave— it’s not great, but many Americans don’t drink tea often
I don’t even use a microwave and after seeing one of his 2 videos on the better ones I was looking for a older one. He’s that good
My mum once ordered a kettle online, but it came with a US plug (I’m an Aussie) so we took it with us to leave at an apartment when we went on holiday to Hawaii.
The guy at customs had absolutely no clue what we were talking about and was convinced a “kettle” was a bag of mixed nuts.