I don’t really like Windows but it’s for my gaming PC. My laptop does run linux. I don’t know much of anything about 11 and whether it’s better or not.
I don’t really like Windows but it’s for my gaming PC. My laptop does run linux. I don’t know much of anything about 11 and whether it’s better or not.
Honestly if you’re ok with a little tinkering you can use Linux for gaming nowadays.
I fully switched about a week ago using NixOS, so far it’s been pretty smooth sailing, and generally better performance than when it ran windows
Have run overwatch, diablo, modded Minecraft (with shaders) and a bunch of steam games so far.
Have yet to run epic games on it but I’ve heard it’s pretty seamless with a launcher called heroic (which imo works better than epic’s own one anyway)
Only games I’ve found that don’t work are because of deliberate effort on the devs’ part (Halo MCC, Roblox and dragon ball breakers)
Depending on the game tinkering may not be needed. With proton most of my games except like dead by daylight it was install and press play
Oh yeah absolutely the only tinkering I’ve really needed to do is make sure I installed steam properly (NixOS) and a little bit of jiggery pokery for battle.net games (though battle.net is actually really good, you just give it a path to the game files and away you go)