Tesla is failing to play by Swedish labor rules, unions claim. Now a strike that started with mechanics is beginning to spread.
Come to Europe and fuck with unions, great idea, Musk.
His dumb ass will escalate and get in trouble with IG Metall, I can already see it…
Would be a huge blunder. Europe has one of the highest rates of EV uptake last time I checked
Eh, Elon is so deluded by arrogance that he might do it out of spite
Yet he bends over backwards for papa Xi
Sweden doesn’t have a hard man authoritarian in charge to project daddy issues onto.
I am afraid that he already bought some politicians. Did you see how he was welcomed by French government?
That’s the nice thing about unions, they don’t care what politicians say ;)
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That doesn’t affect most workers in unions, and can also be protested… by striking.
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In Denmark if a political decision is taken that is against the union, the union can start a counter strike against them. Have happened before and it set the country on breake.
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I know that but the gouvernement could passes law and unions couldn’t do nothing about it (that’s what happen when a gouvernement uses force instead of dialogue). In the recent years the French gouvernement passed many laws that weakened employees rights. Do you know that if you go into court against your employer and you win, you will just get few hundred euros? It won’t ever cover for lawyer expenses. That’s because a law was to max the amount you can and it is very low.
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Unions couldn’t do anything about it? Sure… 🙄
Gods please do. This company shouldn’t be allowed to operate here.
If you look at Musks companies morality track record, probably none of them should be
Just checked the Wikipedia article of Tesla, and immediately went to the controversies chapter. Oh, boy have they been busy filling up this section. I’ve seen many controversy chapters, but this is just impressive. Many of the main points also have a dedicated article of their own.
Good, they’re trash.
Can only get worse for Tesla from this point forward.
The unions will break them.
Swede here. Last time this happened was last year when the dock workers blocked the unloading off Russian ships. This proved to be illegal according Swedish labour law (reading strikes and blockades).
This is a slightly different situation since they are in fact having a “sympathy strike” which essentially is them supporting another union’s fight. The right is for the employer to sign an collective agreement. Since the are no minimum wage and other minimums in Swedish labour law such an agreement is a cornerstone for employers and employees in Sweden.