What, there has been a huge reaction to this!
Oh definately, I was just in a pedantic mood (:
The board isn’t the issue, the CPU and RAM have firmware running on them.
What about the CPU and RAM?
True, the skills needed to troubleshoot a a Windows 95 computer are not all relevant today, but the fact that computers had a lot of issues when I was growing up in the ninties and twothousands, means that I developed a pretty solid grasp of general computer troubleshooting, something that the kids that grew up with it-just-works ™ technology are missing, this is obviously a skill that can be learned, and over time we will see computer troubleshooting become more and more academic.
Back when I attended school in year 7-9 we would have the demo of Unreal Tournament 99 and Return to Castle Wolfenstein on the computers and sometimes after school we got access to the computer lab and I got to have my first multiplayer experiences there
Later in trade school, in network class, we would build a network during school hours and game AOE II on it after the lessons ended.
Doom, Duke Nukem 3D and Wolfenstein3D used to have a level complete screen where it listed how much you explored of the level, how many secrets you found, enemies killed and so forth.
Why is the wordpress logo in the Fediverse?
Fun fact, it is not uncommon for people to file their taxes on the bus to work through their mobile phone.
One thing that the Swedish government has realized is that if you want people to pay tax, make it as easy as possible, people hate paperwork, minimize that crap.
I pay more tax than I need to, just so I won’t need to worry about back taxes, I just get a tax return instead, less paperwork and logistics.
I firmly believe that people don’t hate paying taxes, they hate the related paperwork
Two years ago I sold some stock I inherited, I had to call the tax office and ask how to deal with it, I got put in a queue, at place 600 something, 10-20 min later I was speaking with an agent who patiently verified my calculations and explained how I would need to actually report and pay my taxes, all of which was easy an straight forward, enter ammount A into box b17 on the second page, and enter ammount B into box b18, then transfer the ammount you owe to your tax account (transfer it to the tax office and use your national ID number as the reference), and sign your tax statement.
Excluding the call it took me a total of 15 min to verify all numbers and sign the statement.
A few month later I got a confirmation from the tax office that everything was done.
Meanwhile in Sweden:
Tax office: "This is exactly how much you have earned last year, this is how much tax you paid, this is how much we expect you to owe, or how much we expect that we owe you, do wish to make any corrections? If not please sign with any of the following methods:
Remember that is you sign early you will get any taxes owed to you payed back earlier!
Have a good day!"
SAAB Automobile is the company that built the cars, their parent company was SAAB AB the aerospace and defence company that is still going these days.
SAAB Automobile was sold to GM back in 1989, and the SAAB 9000 series was produced under GM leadership
I have absolutely felt like I am missing something when I don’t have a dial, I like having a tool get a general idea of how fast my speed it changing, rather than having to focus on a number to see how fast that is changing.
I feel like this debate is about the concept of a seepometer as a simple number vs a speedometer as a dial.
Your claim that this speedometer was a lot easier easier to read than a normal dashboard, leaves out a bit, that is dependent on what situation we are talking about. In normal driving, I find the dash perfectly easy to read, this concept you have shown be seem to be lacking color coding which would make warning lights less distinct.
One of the best features in modern cars is when they have a HUD, that is fantastic.
An advantage of a proper dial is that you can instinctively see the change in speed by how quickly the needle moves.
The best looking dials on a dashboard I have ever seen is the dashboard from the Saab 9000 CSE.
This isn’t exacty what I remember, but close enough:
I love the green and orange colors, the car diagram, the turbo, temp and fuel dials are just great.
Granted I was a kid when we had that car, but the colors were beautiful
What is called a “Discord Server” isn’t a server as we know it, it is more of a hub of services that all runs on Discord’s systems.