That’s because a lot of artists are neurodivergent, and we have really messed-up sleep-awake cycles. Mine barely can be controlled with melatonin.
This and also the makers hour, it’s not just artists either…
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It means get practicing buster.
Do you have a source for that, or did you just make it up?
The messed up sleep cycle is likely their own doing, but delayed circadian rhythm has been connected to ADHD. The main debate has been whether one contributes to the development of the other, but it’s most likely they go hand-in-hand.
I was diagnosed with DSPOD about a year before I was diagnosed with ADHD.
I mention that because I’ve often heard the statement that “of course people with ADHD have fucked up sleep, they have to take amphetamine to treat it.”
I cannot sleep at night without medication. With or without adderall, I can sleep from about 5am to noon if I didn’t sleep the previous night.
It’s only recently I’ve become comfortable with the term of nuerodivergent, but the truth is, my brain appears to function slightly different from nuerotypicals.
Up to 80% of those on the schizophrenic spectrum suffer from insomnia.
While we are stereotyped as having a higher share of creatives, I wouldn’t romanticize it — professional artists aren’t actually any more likely than anyone else is to have a mental disorder, barring a small, weird uptick in bipolar as well as the schizotypal -siblings- of a schizophrenic. So there seems to be some sort of sweet spot, but it’s so small it barely matters.
Anyone regularly up that late does have a higher chance of being some type of divergent, but lifelong suffering is not a requirement to make people create. Anyone can do that. The whole correlation/causation thing
They may have made it up, but that’s ok because username checks out, they are Ziltoid… THE OMNISCIENT (one of my favorite albums ;))
I thought because the creativity “enhancers” start to kick in at this time
Be careful with melatonin. It is a hormone and will deregulate your body if used too much.
I mean I’ve written all my poems and “songs” at 3am because that’s usually when the alcohol induced depression hits hardest and I need to put that energy somewhere or I’m gonna do something really stupid
Accurate. Really fucks me up when I have morning meetings. I become really incoherent. Luckily I work as an art director and everyone expects me to speak incoherently about design anyway.
Programmers too!
Some of the brightest minds in human history had really jacked up sleep schedules:
Regarding the Stephen king one: I’ve had the pillow flap in my face. Mystery solved.
And I’m fairly sure the lack of sleep is why Donald and Margaret are pure evil. Lack of cognitive rest.