Why would you use a pile out of all data structures, only adding is in ϴ(1), searching is in ϴ(n).
I suggest throwing the clothes on the floor and remembering the spot they landed on. That’s ϴ(1) for adding and for searching, far superior to a stack of clothes on a chair.
Side note: fuck big O notation, use big ϴ notation >:(
i think that’s the point, it’s not a “messy pile”, it’s actually a completely organized cache; depending on the replacement policy it can appear messy, but you keep the offset and address stored locally for fast access and more hits (i remember that i put some arguably clean socks somewhere in the corner over there)
Why would you use a pile out of all data structures, only adding is in ϴ(1), searching is in ϴ(n).
I suggest throwing the clothes on the floor and remembering the spot they landed on. That’s ϴ(1) for adding and for searching, far superior to a stack of clothes on a chair.
Side note: fuck big O notation, use big ϴ notation >:(
i think that’s the point, it’s not a “messy pile”, it’s actually a completely organized cache; depending on the replacement policy it can appear messy, but you keep the offset and address stored locally for fast access and more hits (i remember that i put some arguably clean socks somewhere in the corner over there)
Huh, TIL about big theta