almost sounds like you think you think like them…maybe wanna…be…one? quick #cancelhegar #fuckcapitalism #theyrealljustgreedyassholeslookingtomakeabuck #diecapitalisttrash
Because if you were spreading dangerous ideas like Unions and livable pay, they would stand to lose a lot more than whatever profit you were generating.
mincing me into fertilizer instead of making me sell their crap at 5k% markup gets them more money how?
The operating word is “would”. If it served their needs, they would. Not that they’re going to right now, obviously.
People think capitalists care about nothing except their net value but that’s an unfair stereotype.
What’s the use of having all the money if you can’t make other people suffer? How else will the poors know you’re better than them?
almost sounds like you think you think like them…maybe wanna…be…one? quick #cancelhegar #fuckcapitalism #theyrealljustgreedyassholeslookingtomakeabuck #diecapitalisttrash
also, Mr. Goodman? iykyk
Mans really just said “takes one to know one!” and thought he did something.
They’ll mince you once you’re too old, broken, or inconvenient.
Which they caused by working you to that point for peanuts.
This way, they have a product to sell. The next tool to come along is hired as the salesman (no salary, 100% commission).
but that’s literally what I was doing…do they just mince everyone, have all the product, and never sell any? how does that get them any money?
They make you make the product for less than it’s worth, then they sell you the product for more than it’s worth, and pocket the difference.
They mince you when your buying power disappears.
Because if you were spreading dangerous ideas like Unions and livable pay, they would stand to lose a lot more than whatever profit you were generating.