It’s always good to be in control of your own content sources.

    2 years ago

    I’ve used RSS since before Google Reader, even used a paid Windows app that I can’t remember the name of (edit: It was Nick Bradbury’s FeedDemon, later sold to NewsGator). After GReader died, I tried out most of the new bunch, didn’t like most of them and ended up using NewsBlur till 2018. Then the prices were changed because apparently it’s expensive to run, but as I never needed all their advanced features (it is selfhostable but involved, because advanced features!), I canceled and switched to hosting TT-RSS myself, later switched to FreshRSS which I’m using until today.

    There is very little worthwhile on the internet that does not have feeds. Most of the time you can just paste a website’s URL in your reader, and it will autodiscover the feeds available.

      2 years ago

      Since you’ve used both, what are your feelings on FreshRSS vs. tt-rss?

      Around the death of google reader, I set up a tt-rss instance, imported all my saved stuff, and I’ve been using it continuously since (I’m technically in an unsupported configuration because I set it up long before docker became the preferred then only supported configuration, but it just keeps ticking installed like a normal piece of software on a rented VM).
      I’m generally super pleased, and it’s my primary mode of content consumption via browser + Android App, and I use the “note” and “share with note” features pretty extensively to plumb to some other folks with similar setups.

      Fox (the main tt-rss dev) is clearly an asshole, and there are some geopolitical complications because he’s a Russian national, but he’s made an excellent focused piece of software. I’ve considered looking seriously in to FreshRSS, but have a lot of inertia and at a glance it looks like it’s missing a few features.

        2 years ago

        My TT-RSS was buggy. j/k to go forward/backward stopped working for some reason, I didn’t know why, dev’s an asshole and switching is easy, so FreshRSS it was :D

        Honestly, I’d just stay with TT-RSS if you don’t have issues, they are both great tools for those who want simple, compact UI readers.