Hello! I’m currently using Musicolet as music player app on my android phone, and I really really really like its features. the ones I use the most are the possibility to reorganize the queue just by dragging songs, and the “boolean” operations on playlists (for example, If I have the “favourite” playlist with a lot of songs, and then the “Linkin Park” playlist, and I want to get all Linkin Park songs that are also favourite, I can intersect the two playlists)
any idea?
Auxio stands out for me due to its beauty and implementation of Material You. It’s gorgeous!
Unfortunately, it has an ARTISTS tag fetish and there’s no setting to switch to preferring ARTIST.
But I maintain, it’s beautiful
Edit: For the record, nothing comes close to Musicolet!
After years of using PowerAmp, ever since Android 1.5, I’m having a bit of a FOSS moment and I’ve switched to Musicolet. It’s wonderful. I’m not switching again so soon! 😁
Used to love PowerAMP until one day I was busy doing other stuff and noticed every time my screen went off the app would shuffle my playlist. It drove me crazy. Especially as it was playing the same ten songs out of 800 over and over again 😮💨
It’s been a fantastic but of software over the years but Musicolet feels like a breath of fresh air. More importantly, it plays music louder than PowerAmp! I thought it was the limitation of my headphones. So I’m quite happy about that.
Honestly Musicolet was such a fantastic find. Someone recommended it once and its met my needs completely. All I needed was for the queues to be cached so I don’t constantly hear the same songs over and over and its done that and so much more.
very very cool! the UI is very nice and has the drag-to-reorganize the queue that is very nice. Unfortunately, it seems that is misses the ability to import a .m3u playlist…
Sorry to fail you 😩
Metro, gorgeous looking Material You themed Music player, fork of RetroMusic, but with all premium features unlocked. All common features you expect from a music player are included.
I tried literally everyone suggested here, and finally decided to settle with this one, it’s so beautiful! thanks for the recommendation!
1)Auxio, a great minimal one https://github.com/OxygenCobalt/Auxio
I use VLC mostly
Harmonoid, powerful and flexible and customisable https://github.com/harmonoid/harmonoid
I find anrimians music player the best. I sync my music using syncthing. On the Laptop I have all the flacs and highres stuff, on the phone only the compressed ones (these are on the laptop too).
Most music players focus on albums and playlists, while I mostly want to use folders.
Its the red note icon, from F-Droid
It doesn’t have a crazy amount of features, but I use Odessey music player app.
It’s free, open source GPLv3. Does what I need, looks fine.
Doesn’t have the playlist overlap functionality, but a good player is Symphony from f-droid.
Take a look here: https://alternativeto.net/software/spotify/
You can filter for FOSS.
A long journey that personally begin with shure+play, then discovered musicolet, then went foss with mucke. Now I’m with a BlackBerry Keyone, so I’m trying to maintain everything less resource eater possible : Vanilla Music