hey everyone. if you want to post links or discuss the Reddit blackout today, please localize it to this thread in order to keep things tidy! Thanks!
hey everyone. if you want to post links or discuss the Reddit blackout today, please localize it to this thread in order to keep things tidy! Thanks!
it had an option to export your comments into a .csv, so theoretically you could post them elsewhere if you want
but that could be a lot of work so I understand just leaving comments as they are
Archiving copies of my Reddit history would be nice, but here’s a somewhat idiotic question.
I use commas in copy a lot, so a CSV file sounds like a nightmare. How’s that handled?
so I just looked at the .csv it spat out, it encloses everything in quotes. here is what it looks like with the actual details changed:
“Title”,“Body”,“Permalink”,“Score”,“Timestamp UTC”,“Actions”,
“”,“example comment start, example comment middle, example comment end”,“https…/”,“2”,“1686084708”,"deleted ",
HOWEVER, looking at this .csv I don’t think it actually exported all of my comments. I don’t really care about saving my reddit comments but I’m 99% sure it is missing my oldest comments from this account so use at your own risk I suppose
it did a wonderful job of deleting everything though, my account looks totally empty from the profile page
Csv is not always comma delimited. It could also be delimited with a tab, semicolon, or pipe (|)
Isn’t a tab delimeted spreadsheet normally called a TSV, as in “Tab-Separated Values”?
Isn’t CSV literally Comma-Separated Values?
Sorry, pedantry doesn’t die.
A little bit yes, a little bit no
Tab delimited csv are sometimes called tsv, but just as often you’ll see csv (tab delimited) as a file type option
See the wiki section on standardization for details.
Csv currently includes the following delimiters:
Comma, space, tab, pipe, or semicolon
you can enclose the contents of a field in double quotes so that commas within a field don’t break it.