Hey fellas, I am new to Rust! I have been following the rustlings tutorial + the rust online book, and I have just purchased the book “Rust for Rustaceans: Idiomatic Programming For Experienced Developers”.
While I am NOT an experienced developer, I have worked in languages such as Java, Python, and a little bit of C before, and my schooling was in information technology for computer systems infrastructure so most of the ideas are not too foreign to me (except for ownership in rust, which from what I have been reading is super cool, though it throws a wrench into how I might usually write something while opening some other doors).
I am interested in learning, so I wanted to ask if, in addition to the resources I have selected above, is there anything else I should add to try to supplement my learning, or are those reasonably acceptable?
I am also glad to hear any tidbits, advice, or suggestions otherwise.
Thank you.
There’s some great YouTube content out there: https://youtube.com/@noboilerplate https://youtube.com/@letsgetrusty
Awesome, thank you! I had not yet looked for any video tutorials, so this is great!