Reposting this from here from 2023, after I stumbled across it tonight and it hits hard.
The text in the image:
I love my smart TV. I love the way it takes a long time to boot up because it’s trying to refresh the advertisements on the home screen. I delight in the way it randomly restarts because it’s downloaded an update without asking me, each of which makes the TV slower and slower with every subsequent install. I adore the way it buries the apps that I want to use, and that I use without fail every single time, below the apps that it’s being paid to promote and which I have never touched in my life and would never use without the cold metal of a glock pressed hard against my sweating temple. I am infinitely thrilled by the way the interface lags constantly, due to the need to have one thousand unnecessary animations rendered on hardware ripped wholesale from a ten year old phone. I feel myself borne aloft on wings of pure joy when I am notified that my data will be collected and analysed to determine my usage patterns. Even now I am writing this from a field of beautiful flowers and soft luscious grass as I lie and look up happily at the bright blue sky, smiling happily to know that this is the future of technology
OT, and I’m usually not the type that comments with gun trivia, but
Wasn’t Glock famously made of ceramic polymer and became popular for evasion of metal detectors?
Sorry for the sidetrack, that single point irks me even if it’s way outside my wheelhouse.
Nope, that’s a line in Die Hard 2 that the armourer hated.
I recently got into amateur radio and the radio usage in Die Hard 1 is bonkers. They both talk at the same time a ton, it’s just all over the place.
As a qualified amateur operator, I’ll just say: that problem isn’t exclusive to die hard movies, nor die hard 1.
Yeah, I recently got licensed and have had an interest. Someone mentioned the movie Frequency and I saw the same thing in the trailer lol.
Pretty much everything gets it wrong in stone capacity. Some get very close, but fall short of representing radio in reality.
You may find this video fascinating. I didn’t realize how much of it would be about radio technology. It’s about Amelia Earhart’s last flight and how she navigated and stuff. Really interesting.
I think I’ve already watched this. Interesting stuff.
Over and out!
Just don’t.
I was in the signals corps as a cadet and every time I hear it… grrr…
That tells you all you need to know about my sources for firearm trivia! I don’t even remember watching DH2 😄
It’s such a legendary bit of misinformation that it gets an explicit mention on the Wikipedia page!
Incidentally, the carbon-fibre pistol from The Dark Knight isn’t a real thing either 😉