There was a post on ! called “Lemmy is losing the war against reddit. How do we change things?” Looks like it was removed but there were a couple good discussions there. In a discussion with (I think it was) we came up with this.

    3 months ago

    I think Germany already has quite a good social-safety net. I just also think that if you work hard the taxes shouldn’t be unbearably high and that a business friendly culture and good economy allows for a better social-safety net long term than if you cripple your own economy with too much regulation and taxes.

    I said I’m socially progressive which is why I think its important to have a social-safety net where everyone has a decent standard of living and can recover to employment. I think when it comes to regulation we need to focus more on using economic mechanisms to steer companies the right way than just forbid or invent a new bureaucratic point. In international comparison the income tax is really high which mainly harm people from the middle class and a bit from the upper class although they can afford proper consultation and minimize taxes. Thats why I think instead of raising taxes international loopholes should be closed, there needs to be a harder stance on tax evasion and financial crimes.

    I read up on some cases calculated by the IFO, Handelsblatt and from the “Sachverständigenrat für Wirtschaft und Transferleistungen” respectively. In there I found scenarios in which you could go from earning 2500€ to 4500€ before taxes and in the end end up with like 400€ more which I personally think is unacceptable. Social benefits should not be discouraging work in such a way. Those aspects personally place me in the party Volt which I also like for their european stance