about 50% content is like this, no matter what view you select. I think /r/pics has the right idea; it is so dominating. Other subs should change their post to be like this (with their own messages) I think.
Also, what sub did spez mod in 2008?
I think the comments said he was a mod of jailbait. Yeah… tells a lot about the guy.
As much as I hate this guy, could we please stick to the facts and criticise him for things that he actually did?
From what I can see, spez did not moderate jailbait. He was added by one of the other mods because back then you could just add people as mods without their consent. I have yet to see proof that he ever actively participated in that sub.
So please, go ahead, dislike him for being a lying jerk who‘s actively killing reddit but don’t jump on something that someone else did without asking.
I might be wrong but my memory suggests that Reddit was basically forced to eventually act in the removal of that sub and they let it and many other questionable subs linger and prosper for a long time until it became too big to ignore.
Then let’s focus on that instead of made up accusations.
They usually let them go until something blew up on mainstream news. For jailbait, it got in national TV news. Then it came down. Before that? Not a peep.
Remember creepshots? Ugh so many gross subs back then.
I agree. I will continue despising him for being a nutjob prepper, restoring the KiA sub after the founder deleted it (because even he saw it as a toxic shithole) and protecting the brigaders from t_D because “vAlUaBlE DiScUsSiOn”.
That god damn sub was the start of the fall of that site. They were openly allowed to brigade the rest of the sub, manipulate voting, and spew constant hate speech and blatant misinformation, all so spez could keep his new bots and Russian trolls. Reddit really never recovered from it and I’d go as far to say that site was one of the main causes of the insurrection.
I remember reading that spez could see removed posts, and one person said that he liked watching it before lunch because, according to him, it made him “hungry and horny”.
this is a weird, very uncomfortable post. why are we doing this? please do not do this on here.
I commented what I thought was true information, but I can’t find any source so it might not be. I’m sorry.
I remember reading that IcedCoffeeBitch is actually a hot tea lover and liked to watch videos of tea leaves being steeped. Source? Don’t know, one person said it.
Again, I hate spez and definitely don’t want to defend him but if we want to be taken seriously, we have to stick to provable facts. Everything else gives spez a chance to say “see, they’re telling lies about me, don’t listen to them.”
Someone told me that dfyx is a kind and gentle soul and sticks to the issue. Not sure if true, but many people are saying it.
Absolutely scandalous. Alert the press
Pitchforks, pitchforks! Do we have them here?
Out of the handful of good things CNN did, demonstrating the failure of libertarianism and getting r/jailbait banned is near the top.
HA you cannot make this shit up.
My eyes are screaming just looking at the new.reddit UI.
Sometimes it’s good to be reminded what an abomination it actually is.
Yeah this “new” redesign is really horrific. I really don’t understand why they did this. I get that they have old.reddit for now, but if that goes Reddit will really be completely unusable.
I really feel like they’re making an instagram clone instead of a discussion forum. The whole site is becoming more and more image dominated. So sad :(
They want to look like all the other big sites so that people are more willing to try them out because of the familiar look, and also so they can easier/more sneakily put ads in.
Someone linked an article from 2019 about the fact that the investors wanted the same returns out of Reddit as in Facebook/instagram.
If Steve actually was “with” the users and Reddit as a platform he should have told them to eat shit.
I am quite sure it is the reason why Reddit is heading the way of Facebook/Insta/Tik tok etc.
And I have zero interest in being a part of it.
Yeah, Reddit has 0 interest in being Reddit anymore. They want to be tiktok/Instagram (that’s why the video player is fucking trash, they want it to look like tiktok). The thing I don’t understand is those apps are already much larger than Reddit, why would people from those apps ever come to Reddit? And why would you just completely abandon your loyal userbase?
To be a little fair (and I am not being the devils advocate here, to be clear) Steve is literally in the position that is required, by definition, to drive shareholder value and take the fall for unpopular changes.
More than likely none of these decisions he’s made recently were by him, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just being used as a scapegoat by the directors and will be given a golden parachute when he announces he’s resigning “in response” to the community backlash.
I just wish they’d link to lemmy! It’s almost pointless to just shut down for a few days and not make people use competitors.
As a mod I’ve been considering this, but with the amount of moderators and communities that have been banned for attempting to steer their users to alternatives, it’s simply not worth the risk. For now, I’ve just linked visitors to our Discord server instead, and people should be able to find the Lemmy and Raddle alternatives there if they wish to.
This is actually illegal, if they ban you for that they’re violating the GDPR, so i’d say let them.
Wait, how is the GDPR applicable here? I thought the GDPR was just about data protection…
GDPR is absolutely not applicable here. Their platform, their rules when it comes to what people can and can’t post (with the exception of personal information, that is covered by GDPR). If tomorrow they decide that the word “Banana” is a bannable offence, they’re well within their rights.
All the more reason that federation is necessary in modern social media.
My bad, messed that up, edited my comment
Exactly. Shutting down for 2 days just says we’ll be back in 2 days. Shutting down and saying we’re going to Lemmy with a link to a specific community shows reddit we are serious about this.
I think the link to a replicated (specific) community is the key.
100% I created a community here to replace on Reddit and made a post about it. That sub did not shut down, but it’s education in nature and I understand not shutting down as people may be depending on it for school.
I told the mods, hey you can have this if you intend to run it. I’ll check my messages a bit later.
I’ve been spamming https://join-lemmy.org everywhere I could just before the shutdown. /r/gonewild banned me for posting the link LOL
Lemmy is too wild for GW.
Some of them are. I visited a couple subs that went dark yesterday, and they had popup messages with fediverse lnks.
On r/all in Slide, I have 3 black “killing apps” pics followed by 3 other protest posts, and then it’s just normal. I respect that not everyone wishes to join the protest, but it would have been more fun if protest posts went on for at least a couple pages.
I think that’s allready pretty good because many people who are against these changes will just probably stop participating on reddit at all during the protest and thereby not influence what’s on the front page.
Also, what sub did spez mod in 2008?
asking the real questions
For us who don’t know. What sub did he mod?
For real? Oh my god…
Worse, he was one of the ones decrying against closing it “for free speech”
Kind of. You could add anybody as a mod to your sub and it would auto-approve the addition at the time.
The bad part is really that he allowed that sub to begin with, and was aware of it without taking any action. Running a site with entirely user-generated content isn’t easy, but that was definitely some low-hanging fruit there
No way lmao
I just looked. Every post except AITA is a protest post
Ironic in a way that AITA is still up
Well now, subreddit name checks out.
Maybe Spez should drop in and see why that’s the only subreddit that’s still up.
Well, initially he moderated everything. He also creates lots of sock puppets for fake activity. That would be much easier today with chatgpt.
All Iget now is an error page and nothing loads, not even ads.
Same. Reddit borked
Also I will add that the posts which do not directly related to the blackout are all 6-12 hours old.
Thanks for the image.
They might be getting DDOS. Website is messed up and won’t even load for me now. LOL.
me too “you broke reddit”
everybody who ever had an account refreshing to see what will happen lol
The front page looks similar
He was listed as a mod on /r/jailbait. While the man deserves pretty much all that’s coming his way, this part is mostly constantly repeated misinformation.
Back then you could add anyone as a mod to your subreddit without their confirmation or agreement. Every admin was listed as a mod on tons of subreddits.
Still, this is what happens when you rile up an angry mob against yourself.
Gross. No thanks.