Can’t stop me from beeping as an organic.
Now you will suffer the worst fate: getting a BSOD
Or I can install Linux and get fucking murdered by the OOM killer instead! Yay
If I turn into a computer and someone installs Excel, please unplug me.
Not excel. Pls no. Pls LibreOffice Calc
Doctors see you upload your mind and say “bet you can’t afford life extension augmentation”
You misspelled OpenOffice Calc
You misspelled LibreOffice Calc :)
Seriously, OpenOffice hasn’t had any major updates since 2015 and it barely gets any maintenance. It doesn’t even get security updates in a timely fashion. LibreOffice on the other hand is actually actively developed and is 11 years worth of features, bug fixes, improvements to Microsoft Office compatibility, quality of life tweaks, etc. ahead of OpenOffice
Only problem is gender at it’s most basic would be binary
Biological sex is for meatbags and historians. Get in the crystal computing matrix that’s in orbit, us and 300 billion consciousnesses are going to explore the universe.
Relativistic speed? Easy because our spaceship is the size of a pack of cards. Time an issue? Let’s adjust the rate of consciousness on the fly, speeding up and slowing down time perception. Hey what’s that cool neutron star?! Send a copy of my consciousness to explore it for 10,000 years then transmit the memories back when ready. For vacation, I was downloaded into a wolf body for two weeks. I ran wild with a pack of dogs on a planet untouched by human hands.
Is it too much to want space travel without transhumanism? No cyborgs or real ai just people traveling the stars living in the moment
Screw exploring space just let me chill at a simulation.
But what are you going to simulate, being a human? That’s like getting a Ferrari and driving around a horse track.
I’m sure the billions of minds on the collective brain have come up with cool shit in the billions of years they’ve been going.
A lain profile picture, how surprising
I was waiting for someone to notice the juxtaposition