i just want to protect my baby from satan #wap
You mean WAP doesn’t mean Worship and Praise?
I’m gonna be sick.
in the most annoying voice you can imagine wet ass p-word
You have to say it real fast. Very fast talking.
Most probably can’t relate, but my first association is always How It Is (Wap Bap …), a song released by German beauty youtuber “BibisBeautyPalace” who got up to the worldwide 5th most-disliked Youtube video (1st place of a non-English Youtuber) back then because it was so utterly terrible.
I’ve never heard this before and it’s just mid. Like, it’s not good, but it’s no Friday or Colleen Ballinger apology.
My dislike is still there. I did my part 🥲
100% a joke
This is Banvideogames level humor. It’s hilarious
Their daughter ain’t worshipping the devil… she’s worshipping her friend’s p*ssy.
Sex for fun, before marriage even? Women doing what they want without hurting anyone?? The horror!
You can say u on the internet, no need to * it out
Wireless Application Protocol?
Wednesdays Against Protestants
Wario and Peach
Wireless Access Point
Oh my god they were roommates!
They must be such good friends.
She’s succumbed to the Isle of Lesbos
They are so gonna do a “friend wedding” in a couple of years.
Just a couple a buds, committing themselves to one another for life. You know, friend stuff
The Acclaimed approve of this tattoo
Definitely not a cop tattoo
The infamous carpetmuncher occult sign
The ol’ fur traders.
I refuse to believe this is real, they do kinda talk like that but this one doesn’t sound right
They must be fans of The Acclaimed. SCISSOR ME DADDY ASS!