So I have now been planing for several months to reinstall my OS that I have run for a year or so. I have few reasons for this: Firstly there are some bugs that occur randomly, like file explorers taking a long time to open a directory (it has happened on every DE and file explorer that I have tried). There are also other minor bugs that are in the DE or deep in the system. Secondly I don’t particularly like Pop! OS and Debian just sounds very appealing.

So is there easy way to switch or do I have to download my home folder and other config files from /etc and other locations to another disk and then move them back? That sure sounds like a lot to check and remember.

Info that you may need: The whole system is in one partition and it isn’t encrypted.

    2 years ago

    if you’re planning on changing distros you most probably will redo most of the stuff. you are right to think that backing up your home and /etc folders would be the first thing you should do. you can also get a list of your installed packages so you can reinstall your applications with a sort of checklist. i’m not familiar with popos so i can’t help you with that process, but it shouldn’t be that complicated.