instance blocks downvotes
can neither see downvotes nor downvote posts
i would 100% use separate if i had downvotes
I’ve been on peaceful mode the entire time :3
Gotta join an RP PVP server, so everyone’s fighting but in a fun way
Woof woof c:
based. keep inventory also
Sync forces me on option 2 🙄 but I still check the website sometimes.
Edit: posts do show upvote perçage at least.
Why would I not want to see downvotes? I comment a ton and rarely get significant downvotes. It’s not like avoid controversial topics or speaking my mind. Wtf are people posting that they need to hide them?
Love seeing upvotes and downvotes, like old, old reddit. Wish sync could do that, or I could figure out the settings for ir
Didn’t know these options existed. I do like seeing which posts are in the red, as it’s a helpful clue which posts are troll spam.