I don’t get the joke.
Is it anal prep?
Am I too gay to get it?
Anal prep. Usually a sign of douching.
Ah, shoulda gone with my first instinct, I don’t know why I expected anything cishet from this community lol
Straight cis men have a fun button in their ass too 🤷
I’m with you, 100%.
But the meme shows someone hearing someone else prepping, and themselves getting a hard on.
The only cishet explanation for this, does not include men’s fun button. (Not that women’s anal is any less fun, to be fair)
I’m cishet M and when I do it, it’s for kinky times 😎
Inserting just enough water into the anus and expelling it, repeatedly (usually flushing in between), in order to clean it from poop.
For sex/masturbation reasons.
should a bidet have a douche mode?
It always does when you’re sitting on it!
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ