I kinda miss doing those relatively simple physics probems like finding how far something goes based on velocity and shit.
I was denied a mathematics education, for real. I can’t even do long division, nevermind that squiggly F shit. I thought that stuff was only for astrophysicists.
I want to learn basic maths, but I’m in a ‘learned helplessness’ mindset where I can’t even get through basic sums and equations intended for children (I’m old as fuck now).
I was diagnosed with autism a few years back, which kinda made no sense. I would have expected rainman powers, but numbers just don’t jive with my cunt of a brain. Maths is as inscrutable to me as people’s faces or social cues.
You might also have discalcula, which is a real but somewhat uncommon thing where you’re absolutely shit at math. I have no idea how to get tested for it though.
Cousin of dracula?
Close. Cousin of dyslexia.
Khan academy can solve this for you, if you want.
I was going to suggest Khan Academy. You can start at any grade level and work your way up.
OP take your time and sit down with pencil and paper.
Just go on Khan academy and do a lesson a day. It will take time(years) but you’ll learn.
don’t let yourself get discouraged, math isn’t everything ^^
Yes, that’s standard at least in Germany
Most of the math I do at work is related to compound interest. Of all the math I believe the general public should understand, the concept of how paying interest to others is a total screw would get my top vote.
I have a co-worker who took out a car loan last week at, wait for it, FIFTY THREE PERCENT INTEREST! No concept of what that was costing her. She could only see, “I can afford the monthly payment.”
(1 + r)^n and its friend 1/(1 + r)^n have been the two most important concepts in work and personal life that I’ve ever learned and applied.
That is usury. That cannot be legal? Oh, no, I just checked, wow, usury laws are weak af.
Usury was indeed the term that immediately came to mind.
As an engineer i literally use all of it daily.
As an engineer, doubt.
I guess depends on engineer