You can have different genitalia than your chromosomes would indicate. Is it that hard to believe that you could have a different brain structure as well? I do believe that permanent changes should only happen once the individual is in their mid 20s, but at the end of the day I don’t want governments making decisions on what others can and cannot do to their own bodies. Trans (and LGBTQ) people have been documented in history since language was first written, but somehow when the science is more definitive on these matters people become more phobic to reality.
homosexuality has been seen in nature as well, we only dont see trans animals because gender is itself something only humans have
also, it doesnt matter what the body, dna or whatever says your gender ‘should be’. the gender is defined by how a person thinks and nothing can change that
You can have different genitalia than your chromosomes would indicate. Is it that hard to believe that you could have a different brain structure as well? I do believe that permanent changes should only happen once the individual is in their mid 20s, but at the end of the day I don’t want governments making decisions on what others can and cannot do to their own bodies. Trans (and LGBTQ) people have been documented in history since language was first written, but somehow when the science is more definitive on these matters people become more phobic to reality.
London Taxi Drivers have measurably different brain structure, but try stripping away their civil rights and see how ridiculous that looks.
homosexuality has been seen in nature as well, we only dont see trans animals because gender is itself something only humans have
also, it doesnt matter what the body, dna or whatever says your gender ‘should be’. the gender is defined by how a person thinks and nothing can change that