Revolutions, on average, make things worse. Seriously, the outcome of the median revolution is pretty terrible. Things need to be incredibly bad before it’s an improvement in expected value to do a revolution, instead of trying to improve the existing system.
Seems to be working for the Nordic countries. I genuinely think that if you try a revolution in America, what you get will not be socialism. If you’re lucky, you will fail and get violent government rerribution. If you aren’t lucky, you’ll get full on authoritarianism, with mass bloody purges of undesirables of all shades. The rate of revolutions leading to good outcomes sucks. Mostly you get various flavors of dictatorships. Often with state sponsored mass murder.
Nordic countries are not Socialist, they are Capitalist with ever-eroding safety nets that still depend on Imperialism to subsidize their safety nets. Their disparity is rising as Capitalism decays.
Revolution, ie siezing control of the state, does not need to be violent.
How would you do so nonviolently? Would you get your people into office? That seems like the nonviolent way to seize control of the state, but if there is another, I’m interested to hear it.
I’ve decided to abstain from voting, this time.
Granted, it may be because I’m nowhere near the U.S.
If you are, though, do pick your poison. You have this system, make use of it. And none of that “but it won’t change anything” nonsense!
Electoralism is a bullshit. Only a revolution will change things
Sure the country needs to be turned off and on again, but clearly the median isn’t interested in that. So what remains? The system.
Revolutions, on average, make things worse. Seriously, the outcome of the median revolution is pretty terrible. Things need to be incredibly bad before it’s an improvement in expected value to do a revolution, instead of trying to improve the existing system.
Do you genuinely believe you can vote Socialism into place in the first world?
Seems to be working for the Nordic countries. I genuinely think that if you try a revolution in America, what you get will not be socialism. If you’re lucky, you will fail and get violent government rerribution. If you aren’t lucky, you’ll get full on authoritarianism, with mass bloody purges of undesirables of all shades. The rate of revolutions leading to good outcomes sucks. Mostly you get various flavors of dictatorships. Often with state sponsored mass murder.
Nordic countries are not Socialist, they are Capitalist with ever-eroding safety nets that still depend on Imperialism to subsidize their safety nets. Their disparity is rising as Capitalism decays.
Revolution, ie siezing control of the state, does not need to be violent.
You should read Reform or Revolition.
How would you do so nonviolently? Would you get your people into office? That seems like the nonviolent way to seize control of the state, but if there is another, I’m interested to hear it.