i almost fell victim to this but thank god i got out

  • sidekickplayah@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    1 year ago

    Holy shit headphones!

    A buddy at work got me onto the craze, maybe not $1000 range, but def in the hundreds. I used to have a pair of grados I modded to be detachable (they were later stolen :(… ). Based on those he recommended me Fostex T50rps, which are currently my big daddy, pure enjoyment headphones. I modded those for greater comfort and sound, and I love them to death. He was also generous enough to give me a pair of tinhfi earbuds, I love those for crystal clear audio. And relevant to the first pic, my sister got me portapros for christmas, and I absolutely adore them for everyday use. And the retro design just sends it that much higher. I also modded them to have detachable cables, couldn’t do with the flimsy ones they came with. I also ended up getting a DAP, which wasn’t too necessary, but I couldn’t pass on the aesthetic of just having a player on my desk with the album art always showing. Just trying to grow my FLAC collection now, God I love music.

    Just had to gush a little. Thanks for reading.

    • skye@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      1 year ago

      I got the Tin T2s years ago and they’ve been my fav way to listen casually since then!

      Full sized headphones unfortunately give me headaches but I remember the Fostex T50rps fondly, I was never brave enough to try modding my headphones but what you’ve done sounds awesome!

      I used to collect headphones but I moved across the entire US a couple years ago and I couldn’t bring my collection with me and the hobby’s just too expensive to get back into for me right now lol. Sony MDR 7506s were my fav for a while, but I only had room for my fav earbuds and one pair of headphones in my luggage and I ended up grabbing my Tin T2s, T3s, and T4s; Moondrop Starfields; and House of Marley Liberate Air and House of Marley Exodus. Exodus being the full sized headphones I decided to keep. Not the best sounding for my taste but I like the way they look more than any other headphones I had and since I do most of my listening through IEMs I decided that was good enough lol

      Thanks for sharing, I love headphones

      • sidekickplayah@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        1 year ago

        The Exodus looks beautiful! Speaking of the Sony’s, he also recommended me those for clean sound. I technically do have the money to buy, but I can’t justify another pair of headphones right now. It’s a shame you couldn’t take your collection. Thank you, too!

        • skye@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          1 year ago

          Thanks, yeah, I gave all the headphones I couldn’t take with me away to friends, though, so they went to good homes :)

          The 7506s did have very clean sound! That’s my preference which is why i liked them so much :3

          The Exodus’ don’t sound bad, they just have too much bass for my tastes but I’m pretty happy to eq it down in software. I just really like the wood look of them