I really hate the changes that Tom’s of Maine has made since they got bought out. They stopped packing their toothpaste in metal tubes and went to plastic, and they separated their deodorant in to “male and female” lines, and it’s been getting hard to find their unscented deodorant. They got bought out a while ago admittedly, but the changes have been coming on faster lately.
On a related topic to weird hippie products.
I really hate the changes that Tom’s of Maine has made since they got bought out. They stopped packing their toothpaste in metal tubes and went to plastic, and they separated their deodorant in to “male and female” lines, and it’s been getting hard to find their unscented deodorant. They got bought out a while ago admittedly, but the changes have been coming on faster lately.
I have never once heard of a beloved brand bought out that didn’t turn into a quality drop, product abandonment race to the bottom.