Never been the biggest fan of the verge but props to them on this.
It’s one of my favourite ending sentence to an article ever. They quote Reddit about corrections, then added, “In the absence of corrections, then, you can assume Reddit believes none are necessary.”
It’s beautiful
It was a truly insane statement, and yet perfectly on brand for Reddit during all of this. I’m very happy that The Verge handled it so perfectly.
It’s always amusing when companies aren’t familiar with the Streisand effect.
I’m not the biggest fan of Nilay’s articles or reviews, though it’s been a while since I’ve read one. I’ve kind of checked out on the Verge recently. Not that they’re bad or anything, just not for me.
I’m really glad he’s on the ball with stuff like this, I absolutely wouldn’t have picked up on that maneuvering and I’m sure many others wouldn’t have either. Industry professionals like him are good for EVERYONE.
Good shit, Nilay.
Reddit is telling their community, their staff, and the media to all shut up. The very three groups they rely on for their continued survival. It’s breathtaking.
Oh wow, just when you think Reddit can’t get any worse. They run an old press playbook scam.
It’s really amazing how Reddit is handling this in the absolute worst way possible. They’re banking on fatigue where people will just get too tired of fighting it and just move on. Fuck those guys.
since they’re taking inspiration from twitter, let’s not underestimate their capacity to do even worse