How do you Xi your outlook on China?
My outlook on China is that we need more Pizza Huts
@modclass we’re just going to let puns like this go unpunished?
No pun-ishment here
Where are my XiBucks?
Sorry we can’t finance XiBucks right now, I spent all the government’s assets on ChungusCoin and it didn’t work out :(
Mr Xi Jinping in your Belt and Road initiative you have made very good roads but did you consider the pants to be held by the belts?
yes China is about to eliminate poverty but did you ever consider human nature
Oh shit of fuck
What level are you in Marxism-Leninism
What’s Marxism-Leninism
Can you give me some money? I haven’t been getting my xibucks for defending China. At least enough to pay my transportation fees.
Idk, I don’t really feel like it rn
Dictator behaviour
Mr. Xi, can you liberate Hawaii plz, it would be very much appreciated
Maybe later, I’m busy playing League of Legends atm
Typical chinese bureacrat living the luxurious life while his country suffers. /s
Goddammit Xi
What is your position on pigeons?