By now, I’m sure you’ve heard about the Reddit protests and blackouts but what exactly is going on with Reddit? Why are people protesting and why did the pro...
A video about the effectiveness of the Reddit protest
People who wanted to leave would have already left by now. Those who remain cannot be convinced or coerced to jump ship. Because it is their choice to remain there. It’s like convincing a missionary that their god is not real.
Yeah, that’s exactly how I felt when I left Facebook, too. When my brother eventually also left it was so hard not to say “I told you so”- but I didn’t, and of course he never admitted that I was right all along. It’s good that I’ve matured enough that simply knowing it is enough.
I think that’s a portion but I know a few people that just take the path of least resistance. Right now, that is absolutely not the fediverse. In a few months with all the apps already in development, it might be a better experience with better content.
Your first sentence I agree with. Your second sentence I don’t agree with. It’s still early with the reddit exodus - things have been escalating incredibly fast and most people don’t even know much about it yet, or are still processing what’s happening.
Reddit was a big part of our lives for many people and it’s not easy to let go. I was so deeply offended by what happened that I let go quickly even though it hurt me. But people who already used the official app? For them, it’s a difficult conversation at best. But I’d say it is still early days.
People who wanted to leave would have already left by now. Those who remain cannot be convinced or coerced to jump ship. Because it is their choice to remain there. It’s like convincing a missionary that their god is not real.
Most of the comments on the r/Piracy “sexy pirate John Oliver” posts are just Reddit bootlickers complaining about the protests (idk about other subs)
Yeah, that’s exactly how I felt when I left Facebook, too. When my brother eventually also left it was so hard not to say “I told you so”- but I didn’t, and of course he never admitted that I was right all along. It’s good that I’ve matured enough that simply knowing it is enough.
I think that’s a portion but I know a few people that just take the path of least resistance. Right now, that is absolutely not the fediverse. In a few months with all the apps already in development, it might be a better experience with better content.
Your first sentence I agree with. Your second sentence I don’t agree with. It’s still early with the reddit exodus - things have been escalating incredibly fast and most people don’t even know much about it yet, or are still processing what’s happening.
Reddit was a big part of our lives for many people and it’s not easy to let go. I was so deeply offended by what happened that I let go quickly even though it hurt me. But people who already used the official app? For them, it’s a difficult conversation at best. But I’d say it is still early days.