The “large vault” you’re referring to is either old enough to predate the internet or full of safe deposit boxes for rent.
Even busy bank branches probably only need a vault the size of an armoire these days. People just don’t use much cash.
The “large vault” you’re referring to is either old enough to predate the internet or full of safe deposit boxes for rent.
Even busy bank branches probably only need a vault the size of an armoire these days. People just don’t use much cash.
Hot take, but I’m not sure anyone is at fault. A photo is a single instant in time, he may have glanced over in a way that wasn’t particularly creepy or noticeable.
Now, this is the Zucc himself, so I’m equally willing to believe he was drooling over how her skin would look as upholstery on his new couch or something.
Mine assumes you’ll take an uber to the nearest train station, which takes 1:10 and $23. Without the uber your only alternative is to walk for 2-3 hours (or cycle if you’re feeling brave).
Oh, and this is Texas so it’ll be boiling hot at least 7 months out of the year.
I have two pieces of sage wisdom friend:
You will spend countless hours of your life fucking. If you ever get the least bit bored, you’re doing life wrong. There is a truly infinite number of ways to accomplish the task at hand.
You have spent exactly 0 hours thus far fucking. Like all things in life, fucking is a skill. It takes practice to be good at it.
But honestly I don’t really remember, it was several years ago now. I can say with certainty that we didn’t have many toys at the time, so it was 90% me, her, and her shitty dorm room.
My record is almost 8 hours friend.
You (or your partner) need to get good. Or maybe don’t because I was fucking sore after that one, it wasn’t really worth it.
Hot take: Blahaj is a better pronunciation because it is derpy like our beloved shonk.
A sports car is a car intended to be used for sporting purposes, like a sporting rifle. The exact sport doesn’t need to be specified, because you can use it for several different kinds of sport.
The movie Titanic by James Cameron. It was very highly regarded, but the plot is a woman in her deathbed recounting how she is spending her final moments thinking about a random homeless dude she fucked as a teen and then let drown, instead of her children or husband or…literally anything else.
You’re forgetting the part where on her deathbed, she doesn’t think about her husband she spent decades with, or her children, or her family at all. She thinks about a random homeless guy she fucked as a rebellious teen.
Absolute cinema.
My cousin’s wife divorced him after 6 months to move to her home country. Her stated reason was that during lockdown, she was isolated from her friends and family, and she couldn’t handle being alone again.
It was hard on all of us but…uh…what does she think the rest of us single people did?
Yeah, SI wages in Europe are way lower than north america. I wanted to move when I was bartending, and then I figured out I’d be lucky to make a third of what I was here.
I did almost 3x that as a bartender two years ago in Dallas.
Tbh the idea of a server working for less than $20/hr is insane to me.
People who prefer android because it’s open source usually use open source android because that’s what they want.
That being said, proprietary blobs and black boxes are a pox on basically every usable device these days. I hate it.
The level of incompetence I’ve grown to expect of my state government would suggest that they’d have fissile material delivered and stored in a leaky shed, where it will create runoff which contaminates the local reservoir, before a crackhead steals it, takes it to the scrapyard, and it is never seen again.
Like I said, we can’t/won’t effectively regulate the power plants we have now.
Our government is only good for generating moral panics and building roads. I hope that changes one day, but it has been getting worse for a long time, so I won’t hold my breath for it to all be fixed tomorrow.
Yes, but when things go wrong, the boom is relatively small and contained.
We can’t run a regular coal or natural gas power plant here without fucking it up and getting people killed. Despite the safety of modern plant designs, I do NOT trust the people in charge here with fissile material.
Context matters a lot. On a 27" monitor, it makes a pretty decent difference. On a 50" TV at 10+ ft…meh?
This is a hot take, but get a pixel. The hardware is more than good enough for basically any phone use case and you can install grapheneOS.
The battery life could be better, but it will last substantially more than a day, so complaining seems a little pointless to me.
Fictional cops rarely have any ethics. Quite famously, they ignore people civil rights or liberties when they “know” that person is guilty.
It’s like the male lead of a shitty romance novel acting super creepy, abusive, and rapey, but it’s okay because it’s fiction and they always luck out and the woman is into it.
Exactly, that’s why they’re still around. They still haven’t been used at their intended scale since before most working adults had left home.
If anyone else wants to feel old, MySpace is old enough to drink and the iPhone can vote. College graduates have never seen someone type on a t9.