paranoid linux sadgirl with imposter syndrome
when I was a broke student living in a studio apartment with no built-in I got me a countertop dishwasher that plugged into the sink with a quick-release hose and that was $200 well spent (got it secondhand, new ones can be a bit pricier)
I had it on a metal rack next to the sink because my countertop space was nonexistent lol. A lot of people put them on rolling racks so they can be moved elsewhere for storage
i feel like products never used to be perfect but they certainly used to be good and have done nothing but get worse since the invention of the market
please redirect those who enjoy being shouted at in my direction
(i am goth-ish and have a lot of anger to let out)
minimalist goth? that’s what I go for. I’m too impatient to put on a bunch of accessories. the fake eyelashes, black lipstick, and all black outfit gotta do
surprised nobody’s said Free Bird yet
e.g. Kingsman Church Scene
*cocks gun* choose a fursona
When I stayed in a Japanese hotel I got to eat fresh hot fish for breakfast and it was fantastic. (I’m from the US so we don’t even do kippers here.)
hello fellow cloud goblin person
my mom’s cats enjoy being breathed on. the stinkier the breath the better. they’ll actually try to stick their head in my mom’s mouth. it’s gross and fascinating.
to be fair Flo is probably an animal in bed
/inb4 BONK
don’t forget there’s a canon anime-style KFC dating sim 💀
I would gladly decorate with a real skeleton as they’re biodegradable non-petroleum products but my mom said I’m not allowed
fuck i haven’t fed my eyrie in like 14 years 💀
one’s environment can have a pretty big impact on what one eats and how often one gets to move
as someone who regularly brings a literal suitcase of bagels back from NYC to my uncivilized home state, I know the exact feeling you mean
(protip to be un-fire-able: bribe coworkers with new york bagels)