This is the best advertisement for Victoria 3 (or other similar games). Now I want to get a game like this and experiment with messing with the economy.
This is the best advertisement for Victoria 3 (or other similar games). Now I want to get a game like this and experiment with messing with the economy.
It’s definitely overrated. Where I live a solid meal will set you back $12-$14, and it’s always super crowded and hence slow. Instead, I can just walk a few minutes, and get better chicken for cheaper ($10-$12) and faster at the local place.
Gaming battlestation, with room for some work stuff too.
The four horsemen of selling out:
Big Pharma
Big Oil
The military-industrial complex
Surveillance tech companies
NNN is literally just a challenge. It doesn’t matter if you nut or not. Heck, most people only do it for the challenge and the “big nut” when they lose or after they win.
Motorcycles: Excuse me
Sports cars: Hold my beer
It’s literally the opposite in my place. The cold spigot will release 90F water when it’s 60F outside. The hot spigot is even hotter.
Fun fact: In most states, this length is 40ft, but there are some exceptions, like CA, where it’s 24ft or 48ft depending on the road.
That’s not true with me. Forza Horizon 5 takes 90 seconds to load on my 970 Evo Plus. Cities Skylines with some mods takes 3 minutes.
I use various apps for editing PDFs.
5, 8, and 9.
1 is entirely useless to me, so is 7 because water is my favorite drink. I do not wish to become a girl so 2 is also out of the question. 5 is useless, because it’s just a tautology. EDIT: I read that wrong (as “people who find you attractive find you attractive”), oops. 4 is only marginally useful, and 3 and 6 could be good but pales in comparison to the rest.
8 is basically a superpower that nobody else has.
9 would give me so much more time to do the things I like doing.
After rereading 5, it’s the best one out of the bunch. I cannot find any romance in my life, and this would get me 99% of the way to fixing this problem.
My fix to this is to click the “airplane mode” button
Fun fact: This happens in Pokemon Sun and Moon, when Team Skull takes over one of the towns. They charge a whopping 10 Pokedollars.
Me, a young man venturing out into the world:
Never saying the wacko stuff championed by Tate and instead just being socially awkward and strangely passionate about FOSS and motorcycles:
Can’t find a girlfriend. Seriously, why is this so hard?
I’m not trying to openly lie. If you have any evidence that any of the other platforms are expressly worse than TikTok for privacy, please show me.
I never said the other companies don’t also track you outside of the app.
Ahhh, typical Hexbear, jumping to the conclusion that I am racist because I said TikTok is bad without any citations. See the other reply in the thread for the citations.
Sure, here are some sources:
The slashed zero is the empty set, and the slashed O is literally nothing cause screw the slashed O