Could someone explain like I am dumb, because I am. I don’t get it but I want to.
Could someone explain like I am dumb, because I am. I don’t get it but I want to.
All they did was make it so if you tried to open IE on windows it redirects to edge. They cant get ride of it becuse lots of core programes use it still. Also lots of. Net applications still need it. Like HP printer management software HP webjet.
I think it might be that windows has kept just building on top of the same stuff over and over without fixing or taking out unessential things. Like how they cant take internet explorer out of windows because it is critical to the OS.
It has an RSS feed add-on that replaces the google swipe left fine home feed.
I do not know I also use their fdroid store, neo store. so I didn’t have to add it.
I have been using Neo launcher and I love it, but I hear it is not great on non pixel phones.
This, if you must use windows get pro so you can just use winget