Sorry, I did wrote it in Spanish, I understand your confusion!
Sorry, I did wrote it in Spanish, I understand your confusion!
Sorry but I wrote it in Spanish, I understand your confusion compañero!
When I learnt how to read English I started to get access to new currents of thought that are not common on Spanish (is that a latinsphere or Spanishsphere I wonder), at the same time I learnt how loud are US people on internet really.
Capitalismo malo rule
Also “porque” has a tilde where it should not. In the context of the poster it means “because”, not to be confused with “why” that is spelled “por qué”.
You could read its manhwa, at first the author is not that good drawing but he improves a lot! I dropped everything a while ago but i have good memories about it.
As a man I kind of do the opposite, most of the girls I hang with are lesbian. That removes a lot of misunderstandings automatically and we can just vibe!