Man, that belongs in the antique meme roadshow (or however that community was called).
Still, always love a good classic meme.
Going by my local pizza place, a lot of people apparently.
“Mädchen” is neutrum because it is diminutive of “Magd” and the diminutive is neutrum.
Yes. For… raunchier (and sometimes cute) pics of Sauron and Morgoth.
Makes me wonder. Do we have an Angbang community on Lemmy?
Wheel has the wrong base though.
(No, I’m totally not still mad after 10 years. Why do you ask?)
I’m with Peter on this one.
Now excuse me, I have some vidya to play…
I prefer this version of the meme:
(Disregard the watermark. Didn’t find a version of this ancient meme without one on the quick)
It’s right about time for yet another rewatch, too.
(Putting it in spoilers as it is a NSFW-Community:)
They had just a toilet and not a Papst? How mundane.
That’s just the colours of regular AntiFa stickers:
Why would you need to register if you wanted to set your arm on fire?
Why would you even want to do this in the first place?
You mean Red Luigi?