The comic is “Inspector dangers crime quiz” or “Rikospähkinä” in Finnish like in this comic.
The comic is “Inspector dangers crime quiz” or “Rikospähkinä” in Finnish like in this comic.
I dont really remember much about the first game besides the mission in the post, but i do remember driver 2 being really difficult game.
That one mission where you have to hijack the truck or something like that, and the car that is pursuing you will just kill you 5seconds into the mission if you slowed down for a turn lol
After 50 resets of the mission i just desided that i will not even try to follow the truck if it takes 2/3 possible paths, just reset and hope for easy route and then T-bone the truck hoping to complete the mission in the first 10seconds.
Or the mission that asks you to take out like 3 cars across the map, with a really strict timelimit, and sometimes the car you hit takes 50% damage per hit, sometimes 5%.
I was definitely going insane at some point in the playthrough.
Also ReDriver 2 PC port of driver 2 exists and is fully playable.
Ah yes, I have had that happen before. See that gap between two cars and squeeze through to avoid collision, but somehow manage to hit both of the cars and your car is in someones backyard pool. While the cars you “squeezed through” blast their horn for some reason… (in gta)
No need to try and sound unhinged when you post a novel to 10 different communities and have yourself speak to yourself in the comments of these posts. It gomes off as unhinged without reading anything
This shit unhinged. You have spam posted this to like 10 different lemmy communities. I doubt thats a way to get any positive attention.
Get comfortable, while I warm up the neurotoxin emitters.
Those silica gel industry big shots cant tell me what to do