Despite it being an obvious parody, I would like to nominate Futapunk 2069 for most creative title on this list.
So many good one liners. “Don’t disturbed my friend, he’s dead tired”. And let’s not forget that sick gearing up montage 👌🏻
That one is probably the worst flavor out there 🤮
1 am is early for me now. I’m lucky if I can to bed by 3:30. I remember when 1 was “really late”, I (my body) misses those days 😔 — trying to kick a dopamine addiction is rough, but I’m trying.
There are hot single chickens in your area!
The ship computer is a neural-net processor; a learning computer.
If everyone being oppressed is rallied together then it’s an immensely powerful force, but those at the top are always working to keep us divided, uneducated, and poor.
You can’t unite the people together until you educate them more. You can’t educate them more until you remove them from poverty. You can’t get them out of poverty until you redistribute the wealth. You can’t redistribute the wealth until you forcibly take it from the ruling class. You can’t force my take it until you unite the people together, etc. etc.
That or you wait until food and water is so scarce that the majority of the population becomes concerned if they can survive in the short term. But that’s a wildcard situation that could go in any direction.
I use the same streaming apps on my phone as well, so they already know what I’m watching.
After hearing about one of the TV manufacturers that would take screen caps and read media file names when playing files from external storage I’ll never connect a smart TV to the internet again.
Considering that I have an iPhone, yes.
For anyone who doesn’t necessarily care about data collection and accepts that it’ll happen to some degree and you can’t escape it, and wants an easy experience without ad’s just remember to never connect your TV to the internet and get an Apple TV 4K for $150. The software isn’t jank like some android options, it isn’t sluggish, and you only need the one remote unless you’re changing inputs. I literally never see or interact with the menu of my smart TV and it’s great.
Alternatively you can cut it down and count the rings. HTH
Women’s World Cup a few days ago.
English forward Lauren James and Nigerian defender Michelle Alozie. In the 87th minute, James pushed an already down Alozie and then stomped on Alozie’s back. James was initially given a yellow card before VAR stepped in and issued a red card, which disqualified her from the match.
One thing I’ve noticed is that I’ll take a long break from a game I enjoy and later I want to go back to it and pick up where I left off, but I know I’ll have to re-learn it all over again before I can start having fun. I don’t want to have to expend the mental energy learning it again when I just want to have fun, so I instead end up watching YouTube or tv shows and not really enjoying my free time.
Now, whenever I start a new game I make a folder where I keep any spreadsheets or information I collect while playing, and most importantly keep extensive notes, including keybinds and UI to refresh my memory. This saves me from a lot of those squinty eye moments saying “ooohh how tf do I do that again…” and having to research something online.
Vampire Survivors is amazing! I can’t believe it’s so cheap. It’s also one of those games that could have easily been microtransactioned to hell and back, but the worst I’ve seen is a few optional ad’s in the mobile version of the game. It’s a bit harder to play on mobile than on PC which is a bummer.
As for BG3, I’ve been very slow to start, and it does feel like a lot up front. I think the problem for me is I’m used to these kinds of games where I’d treat it like the Witcher or HZD and check off every box and complete everything I come across, and exhaust all dialogue options. The beauty of BG3 that I’m starting to realize is I can actually immerse myself in it like an actual role playing game. My last few play sessions I’ve actively been working against my instincts of trying to be the all-star savior of the world, the do no wrong Commander Shepard good guy liked by everyone, and instead choose an identity and play their story out. Having that mindset and treating the game like a marathon and not trying to keep pace with a community (like in WoW or something) is really what I’m enjoying about it.
I guess what I’m saying is, it’s a refreshing change of pace with BG3 to sit back and enjoy the journey, rather than race to the end and inevitably burn myself out in the game trying to min/max everything.
I guess that’s a good thing considering the state of things. Better to go from 100 - 99 % funded vs 100 - 0 because some clowns decide you shouldn’t exist anymore.