In the web3 value chain, the profits don’t all go to the assemblage as they do in Web2.0. All the money doesn’t go to Facebook and Google here if this vision sees reality. Creators will take home the profits, and those who own scarce digital assets whose value may increase with time, supported by large, decentralized exchanges will take their rightful share of the profits.
No thanks.
Its all just a scam I’m afraid. There’s no real benefit to any of these ideas.
Hey, not sure if you’re maybe more used to Mastodon or something, but the hashtags in the title don’t have any particular effect here. Not sure what your goal with them was exactly, but figured I’d let you know.
If you open this post from Mastodon, are the hashtags active there?
Crypto is so last gen. Get with the times. It is Fedie time.
I’m perfectly fine without Ponzi schemes thanks.
The Metaverse is just a buzzword, with my favorite example of the new Tamagotchis just slapping it onto their newest line of virtual critter to mean “Yeah, it has basic online functionalities”. NFTs can go shove it. It’s for money laundering at best, and scam artists enriching themselves with minimal effort at worst. Cryptocurrencies may have a use in theory, but not for the environmental impact they cause. Same with the blockchain.
The future - I personally believe/hope - belongs to free, decentralized online services that anyone can host themselves if they so please and have the skills.
That is what Web 3.0 should be. None of that artificial scarcity bullcrap.
The tech giving me hope for the future isn’t the one currently consuming as much energy as a small country to store JPEGs on the blockchain for rich people to flex with.
I dont care for “web3” as its all built on chains that are totally tracable. I do really like Monero as it is easy to get with a computer you already have and protects your financial privacy