So lose out on tourism for a highway that will briefly reduce traffic
They’re really just trying to make the beach worse, so less people want to go and there’s less traffic.
Fuck cars
I wish we knew more about which politicians pushed this through, what they were thinking and what their comments are on how this turned out. Did this actually solve the problem they intended. Is there something here we don’t know that would make everything make sense if we knew? What are the facts?
Egypt is basically run by a dictator and his cronies, check our Adam Something’s video on the new Egyptian dystopian capital they’re building.
as an Egyptian I can confirm it fucking sucks
dont tell “him” that I’m here
Please be under a good VPN/Tor exit node brother
I do
“Nobody knew traffic management would be so complicated.”
In all honesty though, that two way highway looks quite conveniently cropped in the photo. Probably just an accident on one side of it.
I second this, the sideroad from the first image is visible on the second one(left side) and is empty. Unless no one wanted to go there, which I think is unlikely, the second picture seems more like a fluke to me. Nevertheless: fuck cars.
Credit to AdamSomething on YouTube.
When you fire the good civil engineer doing anything will only give even more problems
They had good engineers?
Is this a case of induced load, or are the comparison pictures for before and after taken at different times of day or year?
Video on induced load